Look at Me! How to Choose Your Statement Pieces

A statement piece can help focus your home’s décor, acting as a jumping-off point for your design scheme and serving as an interesting conversation piece. It is where your guests’ eyes are first drawn when they walk into a room, and statement pieces are also a great way to infuse your personality and design philosophy into a space.  

That said, if you’re handling your home décor on your own, you may find yourself wondering how to incorporate a statement piece into a room. Just as there are numerous ways to use a statement piece, there are just as many ways to get it wrong. Here are some tips you can follow to make things easier when choosing and styling your statement pieces.

Don’t Go Overboard 

Each room should only have a single statement piece at a time. If the room is particularly large, you may be able to get away with two pieces. However, any more than that, and you risk your statement pieces battling for attention.

If too many statement pieces exist in a single space, they will clash with each other, and their impact on people entering a room will be diminished. So, if you want your guests to talk about your sculptural chandelier, don’t draw away attention with an oversized mirror or bold and striking artwork.

Mix Things Up

While a statement piece can act as a jumping-off point for the rest of your room design, this doesn’t mean that the two of them need to match. One way to make a design piece stand out is to choose something opposite to the rest of the design. 

For example, if your statement piece is made of dark wood, you can incorporate it into a room with a light, airy colour scheme. Ultimately, your statement piece is a chance to have fun and inject a touch of personality into the room. It doesn’t have to be a furniture piece like a sofa, either. Instead, you can choose something unexpected to become the statement piece in a room, such as hanging a favourite vintage outfit on your wall instead of traditional artwork or choosing a sideboard to be the standout piece instead of a table. 

Go Timeless

As discussed above, your statement piece will likely inspire the rest of your décor. If you choose a piece that is trending at the moment but is likely to go out of style soon, you’ll be left with a space that may look dated sooner rather than later.  

That said, timeless doesn’t necessarily mean dull or drab. You can still play with colours, textures, and patterns – but you should do so in a way that allows you to build a space you’ll love for years to come or choose a piece that can be replaced if necessary. For example, if you’re an art lover, opt for art prints as your statement piece. This will ensure you can always mix things up without having to redo the rest of the room as well.

Choose Something Sentimental

Your statement piece should ideally be something meaningful for you. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean a piece that has sentimental importance – but if you have such a piece, using it as the statement can make your house feel more like home.

For example, if you have a vintage couch from your grandparents, it can become the signature item in your living room. Similarly, a gorgeous photo wall filled with images of your loved ones can act as a touching statement piece for your bedroom.

When choosing a statement piece, make sure you have a vision for how the space will look after completing your room design. Pieces that do not offer any inspiration for the rest of the space or prove challenging to incorporate may not be a good option. Similarly, make sure you know the dimensions of your space before choosing a signature item. After all, the last thing you want is to discover your living room (or any other room) is too big (or too small) for your statement chandelier (or any other statement item) to make an impact!


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